It's amazing the effect they can have on a person. You've heard the old saying,
"Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never harm me."
Oh, how we wish that we could really live by that decree. Each of us however, has experienced one time or another a time when words have done more than hurt us. They have defined who we are, who we become and how we live our lives. We allow them to creep into our hearts and seep into our souls-only to dwell into every heartbeat. Words soon become the definition and outline of our appearance.
Dismal truth-I was once described as someone that appeared to "walk into a dungeon". Wow! Not exactly how a woman of God wants to be seen. But, I had allowed rigid words to invade my soul and instead of fight them off-they idled there with no place to go. I granted them to linger each day and stab at my heart until they had ripped me apart. Please don't get me wrong-I prayed, I prayed until tears streamed down like a river. The problem was that although I prayed- I never let go of the "words" that were said -I always went back to them and held on to them.
I recently found myself in the same situation. Words were said that seem a little hurtful-my intentions were not in any way to batter any one. However, sometimes interpretations are not always what they seem. So, I have a choice-I can allow the "words" to cripple me or I can live by the Words that matter. Sometimes...let's face it...most of the time...it's the hardest thing to do-to live His way, but His way has promise. His way will give me peace and lead me to eternal life. His way brings me joy and provides me with a smile no matter my circumstances.
This can only go one way-HIS WAY!!!!
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