I often wonder if I could ask God -would He consider me bold? Would He look down on me and consider all that I do in His Name honorable and up to His standards? It's a tough question-one that I'm not sure I want to know the answer. I guess it's because deep down inside I may know the response.
I know when I sit alone with Him I'm bold in my faith, I'm fearless in my beliefs, daring in my vision, and courageous in prayer. Do I carry that when I walk out the door? I start the day wanting- the full desire to lead my life and go from dawn to dark this way, but then the madness creeps in and things can begin to change. I begin to see my faith waver, fear sets in, my vision is blurred by the chaos of this crazy world.
I take a grip to the hope that is Him and prayer keeps me afloat. It's the line of communication that gives me the spiritual energy I need to get through another day. I cannot be the person He calls me to be without His guidance, therefore I cannot be bold on my own.
I live my life as close to His will as humanly possible-which means I fall short every day. He gets that-He expects me to fall short. I strongly believe that it's what I do after my convictions and with what He's taught me that's important. So, I will make mistakes, I will pray for forgiveness. I will fall, but I will rise with His strength. I will love-with the heart of Jesus. I will be bold-with human knees shaking but with the Hands of God holding me.
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13
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