Wednesday, February 19, 2014

HIs Words, His Timing, His Path!

Life's been pretty slow this week.  Taking some time off has really had some advantages.  I mean not only is my house clean, but I've really had some quiet, quiet time with God.  

It's amazing what you hear in the silence of your home when it's just you and Him.  I get up early in the morning before everyone else and spend time with Him, but it's not the same.  Some how the silence is SILENT!  I guess it's because I know that the chance of a teenager slamming the restroom door isn't going to happen.  

He's given me so much to think about in the last three days.  Where I've been and where I'm going.  I thought about how I will use what I've learn in the next chapter.  He's also showing me that my past is still there and that He still wants me to finish His work there. Don't get me wrong-I love the idea.  My past-I love that portion of my past.  I love the people in it.  So, I love hearing from them and hearing Him whisper into my heart what He wants me to say.  After all the words are His-not my own.

I'm currently reading Ezekiel and I've learn that Ezekiel visions were extraordinary-to say the least. His eyes were glaring at living beings with wings and with rims (yes rims!) that had eyes all round them.  He was called to be a messenger for God.  God would provide the strength Ezekiel would need to approach the people of Israel.  

"But look, I have made you as obstinate and hard-hearted as they are.  I have made your forehead as hard as the hardest rock!  So don't be afraid of them or fear their angry looks, even though they are rebels." Ezekiel 3:8-9  

I think that statement speaks to both my past and my future. ( that explains a lot about why I'm so stubborn!) But, I don't have to worry because if I choose to walk His walk and His path-then I'm not alone.

My words are not my own and I must not make them about me.  

"Then He added, 'Son of man, let all my words sink deep into your own heart first.  Listen to them carefully for yourself.  Then go to your people in exile and say to them. " This is what the Sovereign Lord says!"  Do this whether they listen to you or not."  Ezekiel 3:10-11

He's so amazing! I know that His timing is always perfect because if anything it just needed to be the words-not my presence-just His Words!!!  My physical existence didn't and doesn't need to be there-only through the words.  

I'm not sure what the plans are for those left in my past and I don't begin to speculate.  What I do know is that He's already there.  He already has the table prepared and I don't have to worry.  But, every morning as I sit with Him-I feel the power of His love surround me and in the silence I hear Him louder than ever.  

'Son of man, eat what I am giving you-eat this scroll!  Then go and give it's message to the people of Israel."  Ezekiel 3:1 

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