Life has taken me for another spin in the last weeks. It's amazing how our Savior can turn our lives in a completely different direction than the path you were just strolling. I've spent countless hours trying to figure out how all this came into play and to be perfectly honest-I'm still at a loss. My head is still in a daze from the unbelievable quest that my feet have yet to calm down and adjusted.
For those who don't know my story-at 25 years of age I decided to go back to school. TSTC was the school of choice and Dental Assisting was the career I would decide to venture. When I decided to take accept my current job at 26 years old-my only concern and worry-I just wanted a job. I found that job and since then have been living it up for 13 and half years. I have more than friends-I have sisters. They are my extended family and they too can't be replaced. Together, we have watched our children grow, we have seen each other through some tough battles, laughed our way through tears. I've watched others leave and they are still my sisters. I, myself, have grown in that office and am a better woman because of it. Funny how all that can happen in one small work area. Day in and day out-hours turns into weeks and weeks turn into years. Before you realize you're shedding tears as you begin to realize that this too is another phase in your life. I've had so many chapters close in my life the last couple of months that I'm beginning to see that God has a whole other book written. I'm still shedding tears from my oldest leaving home for college-it's been two years! When will I get to breathe it all in? I don't know if I really want to know the answer to that question. Because if I do then it would mean that the blessings would have slowed down and I would have stopped appreciating all God's given me and my family. I'm not ready to slow down and I'm definitely not ready to stop praising Him.
But, this isn't the story about my career choice rather about the moment in life to answer a call. He's called me out to trust. It wasn't an easy choice to leave behind the only place I've called home during my working hours. He knew how disheartened I felt at His repeated urging to make the move. The sleeplessness nights that I prayed for Him to give me peace. I won't deny that I asked why although I knew the answers.
Why was it so hard?
My know that there would be no more days with them still brings tears to my eyes.
As my family and I prayed for Him to show us the way-I began to see more and more of His presence. When I surrendered to His call-I felt a breath-taking peace surround me. I knew in that moment that He would lead me and that He would take care of them just as He had done in the past-just as He has done for each of my sisters that have come to our little family and left to new adventures.
This isn't a farewell-I'll see you soon!
It was fun and I had a blast!
***All other photos-Pre Facebook-in other words-too old!!!!
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