Wednesday, October 30, 2013



As I spent some quiet time this morning and read Isaiah 48-looking up in the corners of my house what should I see-COBWEBS! This hit me two ways-one I really need to clean my house...yuck! More importantly, I couldn't help but feel that this is sometimes how "My House" feels. I'm so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that I don't always clean out the cobwebs of life.  I just leave them in the corners of my heart.  Hanging there! They sway to and fro ever so slightly when a not so welcomed event hits and instead of using His Word as I should and clean them out-I just leave them there for another day.  

Isaiah 48:20, "Yet even now, be free from your captivity! Leave Babylon and the Babylonians.Sing out this message! Shout it to the ends of the earth! The Lord has redeemed his servants,the people of Israel."

REDEEMED! What?!? I'm redeemed, set free, rescued-from all those cobwebs! So why do I leave them there?  Why haven't I used my Bible properly?  There are so many questions that keep running through my mind about this and yet the answer is so clear-in the words of Nike-"JUST DO IT" No more excuses, no reasons that the bondage of all my sins and failures should hold me captive! I'm free!!! You're free!!! When that unexpected guest tries to blow through the corners of my heart, I should and will be ready! My guest will not see the cobwebs holding on to my heart, but instead will see a fresh coat of His Love!  

My prayer is that you too-will clean out your cobwebs today! He's already paid the price. (I'll also take some time to pull the broom out!)

1 comment:

  1. We discussed this idea on Sunday and even today. We can get so caught up in thinking about the mess that we forget that God already cleaned out those webs.
