Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Our days can really be filled with many emotions.  Whoever came up with those little emoji's for your phone must have gone through each of those feelings and hit it right on the face. What's scary is that so many of us literally experience not just one or two but can encounter more than our fair share of those emoji faces in a regular day.

For myself, I can start my day with a smile ready to start a day with optimism only to be tried and brought down. I'm soon met with a feeling of disappointment that will surprise me. I mean really how did I get myself here when I prepared my heart and mind in His Word?  Knowing that I'm not as strong in my faith brings on fear and then doubt about my walk. Maybe I'm not as strong as I portray to be to the ones I speak to or when I pray. I begin to find my heart and mind wandering and confusion begins to set it's claws into my soul. I feel like a slug and all this before noon.

I reach out to a close friend and the emoji's are soon laid out across the screen.  I need help with accountability and fellowship with a friend in Christ.  I receive a prayer and the pleasant sight of "praying hands" along with a reminder of His grace. A sweet token to remind me of all He has done.

I'm brought back to 😊.  Thank You Jesus!

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