When all the kids were young I thought I would go crazy! I mean my two boys and we have tons of nieces and nephews and they were born in staircase formation. You know one right after the other. Yeah, God thought it would be funny-He is certainly a man of many jokes. If you knew my family back then -family gatherings just didn't happen during the holidays. We were
ALWAYS together. Needless to say at Thanksgiving I almost felt like heading the other direction.
Those days are long gone. My days and nights have slipped away before my very eyes and I don't remember if I enjoyed them all. The kids are growing faster than the weeds in my rock garden. Two off to college, one about to graduate and then the staircase. It's one step, two step and then I fall down. (that's happened to me for real-not fun!)
Today, I was greeted by an unexpected text. It simply read " By the way, I'll be home in a few minutes." It was from our niece Renee, current freshman at The University of North Texas.(
Go Mean Green) It's amazing what those surprises can do-she was literally in the neighborhood!! There's a pure excitement that travels through my body-I'm excited to welcome her back home. We sit and she tells me about all the things going on in her life and the look of excitement that lights her face-my heart swells with so much love and I feel my face begin to hurt from all my smiling.
Go Mean Green!!!! |
I bet that's what God feels...every time one of His children comes back home. I'm sure maybe some of you have experienced this-"coming back home". I don't think it's always what we expect "it" to look like. I'm sure like myself, some of you picture-a person coming to God and then somewhere along the path they drift. They drift for months and maybe even years until one day they either hit rock bottom or they've been slapped in the face with a big dose of reality. I know that reality slap-I think I prefer to fall down the stairs again. But, I don't think it has to be that extravagant. I drift more often than I care to admit. I drift when my day goes wrong, but then I come back home-to Him. It happens when I'm cut off on the road by that oh so careless driver or at the grocery store when they're 100 people in line- every one of them has a screaming baby and only 3 registers open. Come on people-that's just poor customer service or some type of conspiracy.
When we focus and turn our attitude back to Him-I picture a huge smile! One that speaks beyond words, but you feel Him saying, "That's right child welcome back home!"
The next time that car cuts you off only to be next to you at the stop light, the grocery store is packed you think it's the day before Thanksgiving-close your eyes and focus on Him. Hear Him as He tells you "
Welcome back home." (FYI: close your eyes at the stop light, not while driving)
***By the way, the next day I was surprised with a visit from our son, Jonathan! God is so good! For all of you with little ones-treasure every moment-even the moments you could pull your hair out...ha ha! Before you know it -they leave to start their own adventures.***
Our Eagle and Texas Longhorn!!!!! |
Luke 15:20-22 “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. “But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found. So the party began."